
Blog Update

WonderCon is a wrap

we had a wonderful time at our very first WonderCon in Anaheim, CA! we knew that the show was going to be a good one, and it didn’t disappoint. the best part was that Disneyland was literally across the street so of course we ventured in there a little. just the Downtown Disney part though. =)

this convention will be the last one that all 3 of us will be attending together until Awesome Con in Washington, DC in June. Bryan “Flash” Turner is back in Burbank, CA working for Warner Bros. Studio Animation and he’ll be attending less east coast conventions this year.

next up for Jerry and Penelope Gaylord is a nice and small local show called Creator Con in Silver Spring, MD on Apr. 22nd. after that, they’ll be headed to SpartaCon in Waldorf, MD on Apr. 29-30th.

Blog Update, the blueprint 2

book signings complete

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well, that’s a wrap on our book signings for THE BLUEPRINT 2. at least, for now it is. we’re still waiting to schedule one more shop in NY, but news on that will come when we have that solid. thank you SO SO MUCH to the awesome shops that partnered with us to help make the book happen. we won’t make this book a 1-and-done situation, we promise. we’re all working to make sure we can tell OUR stories and bring it to the world.

Need your copy of THE BLUEPRINT 2?

we’re currently trying to create an online shop to sell THE BLUEPRINT 2 easily. in the meantime, if you need a copy, contact any of us in the studio directly – Jerry “TheFranchize”Gaylord, Penelope “Peng-Peng” Gaylord, or Bryan “Flash” Turner – and we’ll be sure to hook you up with it.


head on over to any one of these awesome comic shops and they will have copies of the book!

Blog Update, the blueprint 2

packing party

we had a packing party for our book THE BLUEPRINT 2 to ship to our Kickstarter backers! we’ll be starting to mail them out this week and with any luck, everyone in the U.S. will have them by February! international orders always take longer but fingers crossed they’ll get to their destinations in February as well. thanks to everyone who supported the project and also for their incredible patience as we were waiting to get the books and swag in the mail.

we have hopes that soon, folks who missed out on the kickstarter will have a chance to buy the book online. if not at one central online shop, at the very least from any of the three ID STUDIOS members’ online shops. but more on that at a later time. OR you can follow our facebook page – to stay current on the goings-on of the studio (if you don’t already).

Blog Update

WWE Cover by TheFranchize

“WWE” #1 (Boom Studios) exclusive cover by Jerry Gaylord

check out the latest exclusive cover done by Jerry “TheFranchize” Gaylord for Boom Studios’ comic “WWE” #1! this is an exclusive cover done for one of our favorite comic shops Third Eye Comics in Annapolis, MD – just released this Wednesday!

in true Third Eye Comics fashion, they’re throwing a release party for the comic and Jerry will be signing at the shop for it, along with writer Dennis Hopeless. it’s THIS SATURDAY 1/14/17 from 11a-1p. they usually have cool prizes for folks that show up so if you’re in the area, stop on by.

Blog Update, the blueprint 2

happy new year!

hope everyone is having a great new year so far. we sure are! our kickstarter books THE BLUEPRINT 2 arrived earlier this week!!! there’s over 500 copies here and we’re so excited to spread them all over the place. if you’re looking for some fun reads and flip thru cool sketches, you need this book in your collection.

half comics, half visual development, 100% creator-owned! our kickstarter backers are the real heroes, believing in our fun idea. we have a lot of work to do to get them out to backers. then we’re bringing them to all of our comic cons! we also have some signings for them at all of our favorite comic shops and we’re locking in those dates now.

the wonderful folks at Global PSD did an awesome job with printing these books! they’re absolutely perfect and the best quality books we’ve ever self-published. we have so much excitement!

Blog Update, the blueprint 2

end of 2016 recap


first off, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY! hope everyone had a happy holidays and a safe start to 2017. sorry we haven’t updated this page in a few months. as usual, the end of the year we get really swept up in the holidays. we make up for all the time we’re away at conventions and we spend as much time as we can with family during the holidays. and that’s on top of just regular work on freelance projects as well as personal. so just a quick recap of what we weren’t able to post after we got back from New York Comic Con.

we spent the rest of october and into november preparing for CTN Expo, the animation convention out in Burbank, CA. it’s a really big trip for us since we’re coming all the way from Maryland so we make sure we bring our A-game when we go. we each made new sketchbooks to show and sell at our table. we even got to meet and chat with animation legend Leo D. Sullivan.

IDSTUDIOS and Leo D Sullivan

we also made a little mini preview of our kickstarter book “The Blueprint 2” to show studios and pitch ideas. and just in time for it, we got our 1 advance copy of the actual book before going to the show, so we brought that for folks to flip thru. we had a lot of great and positive feedback so we’re excited to bring it with us to conventions this year. here’s a little flip-thru of the advance copy.

afterwards, the holidays were in full effect. we were working on projects but spent a lot of time with family. however, we did manage to get our stickers back for our kickstarter backers! the rest of them we will be bringing to comic conventions to sell at our tables! we also placed our orders for the pins that are part of the kickstarter as well. those are being made as we speak and hopefully in our hands before the month is out.

we also teamed up with an awesome comic shop in Ashburn, VA called Comic Logic VA to do one of their Drink & Draw events. Jerry & Flash taught the group how to draw Superman and Poison Ivy. Peng drew an exclusive pinup for the shop featuring those characters plus one of the shop owners as baby Groot.

Comic Logic VA Exclusive Print by Penelope Gaylord

other than that, we’ve been busy drawing and we’re looking forward to bringing more IDSTUDIOS art into more people’s hands! and it starts with these BLUEPRINT 2 books!!!

“The Blueprint 2” advance copy


Blog Update, the blueprint 2

Kickstarter Surveys Sent


we have been crazy busy trying to get these pages for The Blueprint 2 drawn, colored, and lettered to send to the printers next week. we haven’t been able to do much else really, except attend Baltimore Comic Con the other weekend. we certainly wouldn’t miss that.

thank you again to everyone that backed our kickstarter! we’ve recently sent out our backer surveys so if you’re one of them, please be sure to fill out the survey as soon as you can. we’d like to include YOUR name on our Thank You page but that would prove difficult if you don’t fill out the survey.

for anyone that backed us and chose “No Reward,” you may not have gotten a survey since it only let us send them to those that selected a reward. we’d still like to include your name so please shoot us a message on our Identity Comics Studio facebook page and let us know! –

Blog Update

baltimore con 2016

Baltimore Con Map - IDSTUDIOS

we’re plugging away at all the work for The Blueprint 2 and we’ll be sending out surveys via kickstarter soon for those that backed it. in the meantime, we’ll be headed out to Baltimore Comic Con this weekend! come and see us in the artist alley – TABLES A112, A113, A114!

Blog Update, the blueprint 2

kickstarter funded

well, if you’ve been following our IDSTUDIOS Facebook Page or our individual pages, you probably know by now that our very first kickstarter was successfully funded!!! we even managed to create some stretch goals in order to make the finished product of The Blueprint 2 as beautiful as we can make it. so now, all the books will be hardcover, include a dust jacket, and have some nice spot gloss. cuz we fancy!

HUGE HUGE THANK YOUS to everyone that pledged and shared for helping us turn this book into a reality. if you backed the kickstarter, you’ll get updates periodically as we put the book together. as far as updates on this website, it may be a little while before we’re able to update much. each of us are working hard to finish the art. half of the art in the book is complete, the other half is what we’re powering through now.

somehow, between all the work we’re doing for our book as well as our other projects, we’re going to be attending Baltimore Comic Con on Labor Day weekend! see you there!